Daily offer*
Menu 1
- fish pâté
- stuffed squids (with prosciutto and cheese)
- boiled potatoes
- salad
- cake
Menu 2
- fish soup
- grilled gilt-head sea bream
- Swiss chard dalmatian style
- salad
- cake
Menu 3
- smoked salmon on toasted bread with olive oil
- anglerfish gourmet style with polenta
- salad
- cake
Menu 4
- beef soup with home-made noodles
- beefsteak in truffle crème with tube-shaped pasta (šurlice) from Krk
- salad
- cake
Menu 5
- crème tomato soup
- chicken fillet in gorgonzola sauce with walnuts
- vegetable risotto
- salad
- cake
Menu 6
- beefsteak tagliata with arugula and sheep cheese
- veal steak with sage sauce with roasted potatoes and vegetables
- salad
- cake
Menu 7
- spaghetti with tomato sauce
- pork medallion with mozzarella and pancetta
- vegetables julienne with potatoes
- salad
- cake
* daily offer depends on the availability of groceries